pyramid_restler +++++++++++++++ Overview ======== `pyramid_restler` is a somewhat-opinionated toolkit for building resourceful Web services and applications on top of the Pyramid framework. Routes ====== A Pyramid configuration directive is provided that makes generating the various routes and views for a resource easy:: config.add_resource(ThingsResource, "things") This will generate a set of routes and views for the resource: HTTP method => view method => resource method DELETE /things => delete() => delete() GET /things => get() => get() PATCH /things => patch() => patch() POST /things => post() => post() PUT /things => put() => put() Views ===== Resource views are implemented as a standard set of HTTP methods in view classes. See :class:`pyramid_restler.view.ResourceView` as an example. Resources ========= Resource views interact with a resource. A common example of such a resource is a database table that's mapped to a SQLAlchemy ORM class. :class:`pyramid_restler.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyContainerResource` and :class:`pyramid_restler.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyItemResource` classes are provided as a starting point. The purpose of the resource layer is to provide a uniform interface to any kind of resource. This way, the view layer can be written in a generic manner. More Info ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 api Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`